Reading a lot of stuff about INFP personality type. That is what I am. Being creative and being in the arts is high on the list for INFP careers but doesn't pay very well. A counselor or therapist is good to. Basically I have to have a strong conviction to make the work worthwhile to me. I am also sensitive and not competitive.
Maybe therapy or counseling. I feel like my age and the things I have been through in my life make me empathetic toward others hardships (I even feel love and empathy for my Mother and I was angry for a few years). I have done a lot of soul searching and working on myself in the last few years. People joke that therapists are screwed up and that is why they got into therapy. That may be true but I don't think I would want a therapist who had never dealt with hardship tragedy or sadness of some sort. They wouldn't understand what their patients had been through. Okay, I will have to go into research mode to look into therapy. I want to take care of myself and my kids. I will never give up on my art. I just need a career that will sustain me and my kids. I will also meditate and pray on it to. That is part of my giving control over to my higher power. I have been working on that.
I want the world to have the feeling of this painting. Beautiful, peaceful, happy, flowing.That is probably kind of dorky. That is me also. Kind of dorky. I like to be silly and have fun. I want other people to feel silly and have fun to. I need to surround myself with more people who are happy, nurturing and fun.